Sunday, June 20, 2010


Last night I was walking along Manila bay and got caught in a monsoon downpour.  I hustled into - where else?- a bar to wait out the storm.  I bummed a cigarette from some near 50 white guy, who, it turns out, is an expat from San Francisco.  We spend the storm discussing the nuances of life in San Francisco (mission burritos - yay!  arctic summers - boo!) as well as the joys and challenges of being an American in Manila (prices - yay! getting hustled - boo!).

I enjoyed speaking with him for about an hour.  Then he said, "I think the best thing about the Philippines is the sex.  That's really why I'm here."

-Alright dude, thanks for the cigarettes.  It's time for me to go.

I braved the monsoon.