Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Why Do We Abuse Our Children With These Names?

My friends Bob and Matt teased me constantly about the unusual names of the guys I once dated.  These interesting names all belong to Filipinos.  Okay, Perfecto was a doozy, particularly because his father and two brothers are also named Perfecto.  The smirk factor was exacerbated because, at least at the time, he was far from...

Demetrius and Peterson are pretty good names of guys I've dated too.

There were other names that they found interesting, but that seemed ordinary to me.  Paulino, Joel (which Filipinos pronounce like Noel), Gerald, Arthur.  I guess these are names that have lost currency in White America.  Bob and Matt are white.  Very, very white.  White like clouds, ivory and crack cocaine.  Bob knows the lyrics to every Indigo Girls song ever recorded.  Matt wears wide-brimmed hats and shades to protect himself from the glaring rays of London in February.  Matt used to sell corn-dogs n' Country Time Lemonade at the Alameda County Fair.  Bob is from Texas.  If you look up 'cracker' in a children's dictionary, there is a picture of Bob, Matt and a Saltine.  I settled down with a Christopher just to shut them up.

But perhaps I need to tune in with my white side and listen again with caucasized ears to the names of some of the people I've met in the Philippines.  Filipinos are prone to the creative, the antiquated and the unusual.  Someone had to give blacks a run for their money.

- My friend in Olongapo is Aris.  Short for, yes, Aristotle.
- In Siquijor, one of my hosts is Fortunado.  He's the municipal treasurer.  Seems like destiny.  His nickname is Boboy.
- Combination names are common and fun.  My masseur one day was Jomar; a combination of Jose and Maria.  Both of Jesus's parents in one name!  I decline the extra service.  In Manila I met Anjo - I think it's a combination of Andrew and Joseph.  In Leyte I befriended Marjun - a blend of Maria and Junior.  Jun or Junjun competes with Boy as the most common nickname in the archipelago.

Filipinos often hold childhood nicknames for life.  There are many elderly statesmen named Jun.  The proprietess of our resort in Guimaras is Honey.  Migz (Miguel) is my friend in Manila.  The newly elected president goes by Nonoy.  The Vice-president's name is Jejomar.  The president's chief scheduler is nicknamed Sexy.  The house speaker goes by Boy.  Can you imagine a health care bill being rammed through congress by Girlie Peloisi and Pingpong "P"einstein?  The president's private secretary is a woman who goes by by Ballsy.  I want that for my nickname.

Then there are the nicknames that sound like bells.  Bong or Bongbong is pretty common.  I saw a t-shirt for a political candidate named Dingdong.  My college friend is Ging-ging.  I've also met two Jings - one male and one female.  I have a friend in California named Albert Macadangdang Cadondon.  I'd love to nickname him Bongbong; but hundreds of Filipinos would head to church every time I called his name.


  1. my favorite cousin in the whole world just got married. to a boy. named JHULSANY. that would be a blending of the names of his grandfathers julian and santiago.

    (the "h," as usual, is silent and merely there for decoration.)

  2. You are cracking me up!! Here's to add - Ronita - my other name (Rogelio and Anita). BTW - we can nickname you 'Ballsy' if you want. I think what you are doing right now is pretty ballsy. Muchlove.

  3. When you and Chris have your little one, he or she could be Edipher. Or Christward. Erlinda would like that one.

  4. I'm feeling the name Bayard these days. After Bayard Rustin, the unsung gay black civil rights leader who organized the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom where MLK gave his I Have a Dream speech. Bayard Punongcenter/Centerbayan.

  5. I have a boy cousin unfortunately named Junfe (pronounced Joonfee), a combination of Jun and Fely. Can Bayard's middle name be a combo of Grandma and Grandma P's names? Erecto..or perhaps Daperfect?

  6. My god daughter's name is Ronora but she got stuck with Beng-beng...LOL...go figure.

    When I was a kid my father told me not to use my real name if asked by a stranger so I came up with the name Bandong. The maids and some relatives started to refer to me by that name. I'm so glad I moved away otherwise it would have probably stuck.

  7. These are the best comments ever. Neil you are forever Badong. Chris and I are totally going to fuck with our kids' names. Bayard Erecto Centerbayan is the best name ever. Especially for a black girl.
